Tuesday, February 19, 2013

You practice the game they way you play the game!

A woman asks…
"My BF and I were dating and he cheated. I’m considering taking him back. Is cheating ever justifiable?”

Steve Harvey answers…
"No. Cheating is not acceptable in a committed relationship. If you are practicing cheating in a committed relationship, what happens when you put a ring on it? You play like you practice. You have every right to require a man to practice the game like he’s gonna play it.

"Require a man to practice the game like he’s gonna play it.” ...I double, triple LIKE this advise!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Looking for LOVE? All you need is one word...

Viola Davis has a tip for singles seeking LOVE.  Her advice can be summed up in one word …PRAY!
Viola voiced to a friend that she was lonely and wanted a husband.  The friend advised her to pray. Viola prayed for her husband …and she made her prayer very specific.  She prayed for a black man from the south, with a big build, who had been married and already had children. Three weeks later Viola met a black man, former football player, from the south, previously married and he had children. They have been married since 2003!