Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Do you know what is sexy? A man who exposes his vulnerability. What scares you about love and relationships?

Do you know what is sexy?  A man who exposes his vulnerability. I asked the question, "What are men afraid of in relationships?" I received this message in my inbox today.  It is too powerful not to share!
 “I am so ready to meet the woman who is capable of being my partner for life. I have shut down and refused to fully receive or return the love that's been given to me simply because I was afraid. I've held back when I should have given more. I know this, and I've come to terms with my fear as much as I am able. I realize now that part of what I need to do is man up and have the courage to admit that I am scared and that I am willing to make a change. I know that I can't continue to allow my self imposed fears to keep me single. “  Now is a brother who is on a journey to greatest!

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