Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Have you ever heard a man speak?

Remember when our grandparents were dating …before the days of computers, cell phones and texting.  People expressed themselves through letters.  I received the kindest note.  I asked the author if I could post this note to my blog. Writing is a lost art, so I wanted to share this …

“I work a lot of hours, and would like someone to give me a reason to come home early”...... If there ever was a phrase that typified how we all yearn for that one someone that gives us reason to move, and gives us pause, all at the same time, that is it. I have to admit, although I am a confident man, I was a little nervous leaving a message like this for someone as breathtaking as yourself. I wanted my first impression to be a good one. I don't know if it's the originality of your look, or the genuineness of your words, but there's something different about you.  Your caliber of woman definitely warrants more than just a simple hello. Besides, men now a days don't have much of anything of substance to say, and because of that, I am convinced that most women have never really heard a man talk. They've heard a man moan, cuss and maybe even preach, but not really talk. Think about it...most times when a woman asks a man, 'What are you thinking about?', he almost always says...'nothin' (lol).  So for the few women that were blessed enough to have grown up in homes with their fathers, although present, they were generally silent. So there's this mysticism around masculinity that is so pervasive and overwhelming, it leaves women hungry to understand and know what's going on with a man, so much that they give in to certain things just for the cost of admission to provoke a conversation.  And there he is, thinking it's his great love making that has you lying next to him, but in reality, most are just hoping that after he's done with all of his theatrics, that he'll stay awake long enough (lol) to answer some questions in his mind and yours. Foolishly, we think our greatest tool is between our legs (no disrespect), when actually, it's between our ears. I refuse to be counted in that number and guilty of that. In your search for your prince, I'm sure you've encountered many frogs, as much, or more than the heartache and frustration I've encountered in my search for what's real. It's sad, but I weep for men and women today. Because of their selfishness, they will never experience the love and connection that our grandparents spoke of, the kind that would have them finishing each other's sentences…that would have one thinking of the other at the exact same time. I'm sure the men are clambering at the prospect of garnering your favor, and I'm but a grain of sand on a shore of endless suitors, but I wanted to show you that there are some true gentlemen left who are not afraid to express themselves with an open heart.


Unknown said...

well written sir. It is a lost art.It sorta blew my game up though: This whole time I thought my secret weapon was that I'm a good listener...lol.
Falling asleep right after is a primal, genetic predisposition in men and I won't be made to feel bad about it...lol
That whole finish the sentences, think of each other @ the same time thing is magical and worth pursuing:one more thing brothers get misled into overlooking.
My parents answer questions that weren't asked. Oh yeah Sonya, talk to this guy. He man enough to let his soft mushy filling show. no homo.CCRIFTLRT20100


Listening is also an important skill. I wish more men would learn to listen more, talk more and express love more. Communication is the key to getting in inside a woman's head. Getting into her head is the key to earning entry into her heart.

P.S. This guy lives out of state, so we are pen pals.