Thursday, January 20, 2011


Late last night I posted the question, “Do you believe in love at first sight” on Facebook.  There have been 33 comments (and growing) posted in response to my question. The discussion is getting intense…people are passionate (no pun intended) about the topic of love.
My opinion…
Love is a feeling that leads to an action.  Love is expressed in your actions, but love develops from an emotion you feel at your core.  Love starts with a feeling that tugs at your heart and that feeling can develop very quickly …but only if your mind and your heart are open to the possibility. To experience love at first sight you must be uninhibited and unafraid to love. 
Yes, I absolutely believe in love at first sight… because I have experienced in first hand.  I am free with my emotions, transparent with my feelings, and I am courageous enough to allow myself to be vulnerable.
I have fallen in love at first sight and it’s the best feeling in the world! However, if you’ve never experienced love at first sight then you can’t possibly understand the concept. 
Love at first sight is the most pure and innocent kind of love. It’s a love based on raw emotion.  It’s not based on monetary gain or selfless values.  It’s the kind of love where you have nothing to gain and everything to lose, but you put your heart on the line anyway.
 I feel sad for those who have not experienced love at first sight because it’s the closest thing to heaven that you can find on earth.  It makes you feel powerful and indestructible. 
One person posted this comment on my Facebook page …
“Love is a giving and receiving relationship, the two go together.  To love is nothing.  To be loved is something.  But to love and be loved is everything!”



The comments on Facebook have now grown to 53 in only 24 minuites. What have I started? Why is the debate so heated...because love is what we're all hoping to find - whether we admit it or not!


My Facebook conversation has turned into an all out feud! Never intended for it to get this personal.