Monday, January 3, 2011

What's new for 2011?

I'm moving into the new for 2011.  I'm making a comment to myself to rid my life of people who are simply taking up space.  You know those people I’m talking about...the ones who talk a lot and do very little, the ones who break their promises and do not honor their commitments.  If you're not leading to my success and moving me forward, then it's time to end the relationship.  It’s time for me to move into my new.  I’m deleting numbers and erasing emails so I can make room for new relationships, new people, places, and things. 
I'm making some major changes in 2011 and the biggest change is me.  I've been too giving and too forgiving. Some people aren't going to like the new me, but I like her a lot!  I only wish I had gotten to know her sooner!


Anonymous said...

OMG..."YES" music to my ears. Can I add to your list...
You know the ones that present themselves, as one person....but become another
You know the ones that are not true to you, but the ultimate crime, is...they are not true to themselves
You know the ones, you are in a relationship with, until something happens (they lie or get caught)then suddenly, it really wasn't a relationship because you were only spending time together so they ask.... how can you be mad at me? (WTH?)

I'm honoring ME.
Staying true to ME.
Only accepting what is truly going to make ME happy because the joy I have IS contageous!!



Love your commentary. Love it!