Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Life so often imitates fiction...

I have become hooked on Sex and the City all over again.  I tape it every day and I spend my Saturday mornings watching it. 
Remember Sex and the City?  OMG!!  I am a real life Carrie…
I write about relationships just like Carrie -- the only difference is that she gets paid for her commentaries.  Carrie and I both believe that love is everything.  Carrie and I both have a Mr. Big in our lives (or at least I did, past tense please!) Mr. Big is Carrie’s on-and-off-again lover, who she falls in love with despite his frequent displays of commitment phobia and emotional unavailability.
Also like Carrie, despite all our ups and downs with love we both remain optimistic, no matter how much our hearts get broken. Every time I watch Sex and the City I feel like my life is being replayed on the big screen.  It’s eerie because I could have written every episode!
Well, in the Sex and the City movie, Mr. Big and Carrie finally walk down the aisle after years of playing “cat and mouse” and “catch me if you can”.  Carrie gets her happy ending!  Does this mean there is hope for me and all other hopeless romantics after all?
One of my favorite Carrie quotes …

"I'm looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love."


Anonymous said...

Carrie must have been a LIBRA too.....


YES!! I would be willing to bet that being a Libra is another thing Carrie and I have in common!!!