Saturday, February 26, 2011


This blog is titled “50 First Dates and COUNTING…” because I have gone on A LOT of first dates that did not lead to a second.  I meet men in the course of my job, I meet men on FB, I met men at Kroger and I even meet men on 285! I met a lot of men, and I actually call about 1 out f every 10 men I met. And of the men I call, I go out with 1 out of every 20. And of the men I actually go out with, I have a second date with about 1 and every 30. Those stats are not looking very good, so why do I keep trying?  With every date I come closer to meeting the man who will be my husband …and I have too much love to give to keep it all for myself.
You have to look at dating like you’re on a desert island
Every night you build a fire and you hope a ship will see it and come save you
You do this for months and months and after a year you’re tired of building the fire
You figure what’s the use, my ship hasn’t come so far
Why should I think it will come now and you stop
But what if the ship comes the day after you stop building the fire
You have to keep making the effort …what’s the alternative?

1 comment:


This blog post was inspired by a comment made by a friend who has given up on dating and finding love. While my ultimate goal is to be married one day, I'm not rushing the process. I'm having the best time of my life dating! I'm enjoying meeting new people, and enjoying the places we go and the things we do. I am able to go whereever, I'm embracing my single status to the fullest...for as long as it lasts!