Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The truth will set you free...

Tonight I looked in your eyes
And I saw the truth as I never have before
Although it had always been there
It was something I chose to ignore

But tonight the truth confronted me
And it stood right by your side
I had to finally face it
There was nowhere I could hide

Tonight the truth attacked me
It shook me to my very core
And it showed me that you’re a man
I can’t give my love to anymore

Everything I’ve said to you
Definitely still holds true
The only thing that has changed
Is me giving my love to you

Your name is still etched in my heart
Where it will hold a permanent space
But my heart needs to find another home
It needs to occupy a new space

Understand that I’m not angry
And I have nothing negative to say
But it’s clear the time has finally come
For me to be going on my way

I hope you find true happiness
In discovering the love you’re looking for
She will be everything you need
And you’ll love her like never before

I also hope I find true love
From a man who will love me without pretending
And when all is said and done
Both you and I will find our happy ending

Written by Sonya A. Milner 2-2-11

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