Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Black Marriage Crisis? I don't think so!

Is Black Marriage REALLY in Crisis?

“Divide and Conquer” is still the game of the day.  It worked in slavery and it works today! The media uses faulty numbers to coerce black men and women into playing the “blame game”!  Yep, they tricked us ….again.  I have often said I do not buy into the numbers that say black love is doomed … and here is proof positive that I am RIGHT!

If you have ever taken a statistics course, then you know data can be skewed and manipulated. And that’s precisely what has been done! Let’s BUST some MYTHS:

MYTH:  Most black women do not get married.
TRUTH:  75% of black women get married before they turn 35. The often-cited figure of 42% of black women never marrying includes ALL black women 18 and older. Raising this age in an analysis eliminates age groups we don't really expect to be married and gives a more accurate estimate of true marriage rates.

MYTH:  Educated and black means being alone.
In Washington, D.C., 36% of those with only a high school diploma, 47% of those with a college degree, 59% of those with a master's or professional degree and 62% of those with doctoral degrees are MARRIED. There's a similar pattern in Atlanta.

MYTH: The ratio of unmarried black women to black men is 1-to-22.
 Even using the strictest criteria, the ratio is 1-to-2. There are different black male-to-female ratios circulating, some say it’s 1-to-10, 1-to-17 and 1-to-22. However, no one seems to know the origins of these numbers. These artificial ratios are designed to make the picture seem more dismal than it really is.

MYTH:  There are no successful black men. TRUTH:  More black men than black women earn more than $75,000 a year, and black men are twice as likely to earn more than $250,000.

MYTH:  Nearly half of all black men are unworthy of marriage because they do not have a high school diploma, are unemployed, or are in jail.
For this statement to be true there would have to be zero overlap in those categories. That obviously isn't the case (70% of high school dropouts serve time in prison).

MYTH:  All successful black men marry women of other races.
mong married black men with a personal income above $100,000, 83% have black wives. Among married black men with college degrees, 85% have black wives.

The researchers challenge the idea that there aren't enough "successful" black men for the women who want them…and I AGREE!

To read the full article go to

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