Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dating advice from a man of God...

As a single woman, I am OFTEN given dating advice. Sometimes it's by other single people, divorced people and sometimes happily married people.  Today I made a post on Facebook and a Godly man responded with what may very well be the BEST DATING ADVICE EVER…

ME:  As a single woman who would like to be married to a Godly man, I can tell you that finding a man is EASY, finding a GOOD man is EASY...finding a GODLY man gets harder everyday!

PHIL:  Slow down and let the Lord Lead you. Turn on the God light so that you can see where you are going. Stay in the Word. The deeper you are in the word the brighter your God light will shine. The brighter your God light is the more ungodly people will run to the devils place. Remain in FAITH. Without Faith it is impossible to please God.

Phil and Sonya Upchurch are successfully married and they will be sharing their story of “LOVE MADE EASY” Saturday, February 25 from noon -1:00 pm.  www.kcwgthetruth.com

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