Friday, March 9, 2012


Glamour's 2012 Guy Survey: 1,000 Men Fess Up To the Shocking, Sexual and Occasional Sweet Things They Do

by Amy Spencer

2012 Guy Survey

OK, let's get right to the good stuff. Where, of these places, have you masturbated? (Select all that apply.)

At work: 31%

While visiting my parents' house: 31%

At a party: 10%

While driving: 24%

None of the above: 48% (to which we say thank you, cubicle mate, for not going there!)
2012 Guy Survey

When a woman gets naked in front of you, what's the first part of her body you notice?

Her breasts: 52%

Her belly: 11%

Her vajayjay area: 10%

Her thighs: 6%

I'm too gobsmacked by the whole naked thing to focus on any one area: 21%
2012 Guy Survey

And when you're naked, what are you most self-conscious about?

My stomach: 33%

My penis size: 18%

My hair: 7%

My birthmarks or scars: 4%

I don't think about me—I'm looking at her: 38%
2012 Guy Survey

What would you say is your greatest fear?

Death: 23%

Poverty: 36%

Commitment: 5%

Speaking in public: 10%

Failing at work: 13%

Never finding love: 13%
2012 Guy Survey

If a woman could be only two of these qualities—good-looking, smart, caring and fun—which two would you choose?

Good-looking and smart: 26%

Good-looking and caring: 30%

Good-looking and fun: 15%

Smart and caring: 14%

Smart and fun: 8%

Caring and fun: 7%
2012 Guy Survey

You're most likely to zone out when a woman talks about (select all that apply):

What happened to her at work today: 18%

Clothes, shopping or shoes: 42%

Her friends' life and dating dramas: 33%

Celebrity gossip: 41%

Plans she wants to make with me: 8%

A gripe she has with me: 14%

Any subject raised during the game: 23%
2012 Guy Survey

You text her. She texts right back. She is:

Efficient: 85%

Desperate: 15%
2012 Guy Survey

If you have to buy your girlfriend tampons...

I don't mind dropping them on the counter and carting them out. It's natural!: 67%

I'll probably buy some beer and beef jerky with them to distract the cashier: 16%

Oh, I won't be buying her any tampons: 17%
2012 Guy Survey

What's the biggest lie you've told a woman to get her into bed?

That I had a better job than I did: 11%

That I had more money than I did: 17%

That I cared about her more than I did: 55%

That I was single: 17%
2012 Guy Survey

Forget what women want for a second. How long do you want sex (foreplay not included) to last each time?

Less than 5 minutes: 3%

5 to 9 minutes: 9%

10 to 14 minutes: 16%

15 to 19 minutes: 19%

20 to 29 minutes: 18%

30 to 39 minutes: 14%

A solid hour: 21% (Love the ambition, guys, but...ouch!)
2012 Guy Survey

You're on a dinner date. What's the sexiest thing to hear her order if everything costs the same?

A salad: 11%

A steak: 38%

A stiff drink: 13%

Dessert first: 7%

Don't care: 31%
2012 Guy Survey

Her phone is sitting on the table while she's in the bathroom, and a text comes in. Do you read it?

Yes: 24%

No: 76%
2012 Guy Survey

You're a straight man who gets hit on by a dude. You:

Find it funny—or flattering: 56%

Get weirded out: 44%
2012 Guy Survey

If you could be Brad Pitt for a day, you'd most want to:

Have sex with Angelina Jolie as many times as possible: 38%

Use my fame to have sex with as many other women as possible: 37%

Hang with Clooney: 11%

Go fix New Orleans: 8%

Play with the kids: 6%
Photo: Getty Images
2012 Guy Survey

Would you break up with a girl if your friends didn't like her?

Yes: 16%

No: 84%
2012 Guy Survey

Would you break up with a girl if your mom didn't like her?

Yes: 18%

No: 82%
2012 Guy Survey

What is your attitude toward women's bra straps showing?

Love it: 42%

Hate it: 21%

Never notice it: 37%
2012 Guy Survey

What can a girlfriend/wife definitely not joke about with you? (Select all that apply.)

My mom: 16%

My penis: 21%

My finances: 12%

My bedroom skills: 18%

My sports team: 6%

She can joke about whatever she wants. It's all good with me: 53%
2012 Guy Survey

Which male fashion trend have you tried or would you be willing to try in the future? (Select all that apply.)

Sandals with socks: 21%

Dress shoes without socks: 16%

Suit slacks cropped just above the ankle: 8%

A murse (that's a man purse, in case you didn't already know): 8%

Bright-colored pants: 15%

Man Spanx: 5%

A super-skinny tie: 22%

Jeggings (à la Russell Brand): 2%

None of the above: 39%
2012 Guy Survey

Which formerly unmanly rituals have you embraced? (Select all that apply.)

Exfoliating: 17%

Moisturizing: 24%

Plucking/waxing: 16%

Manscaping: 36%

Using concealer: 6%

Getting facials or using masks: 6%

Manis/pedis: 10%

None of the above: 37%
2012 Guy Survey

Do you think Suri is growing up too fast?

Yes—she shouldn't be wearing heels and lipstick: 21%

No—her parents are doing a good job, as far as I can tell: 14%

Who the hell is Suri?: 65%
Photo: Getty Images
2012 Guy Survey

A committed relationship sounds like:

Nothing I'm looking for right now: 32%

Everything I'm looking for right now: 68%
2012 Guy Survey

Would it bother you if your wife or girlfriend made $100,000 more than you?

Yes: 16%

No: 84%
2012 Guy Survey

When the cat's away, the mouse:

Gets tanked and stays out till all hours: 19%

Has the guys over for the game and makes as much noise as he pleases: 23%

Sits at home in his boxers eating Hot Pockets: 25%

Really misses the cat and wants her home now: 33%
2012 Guy Survey

It's been 10 minutes, and she doesn't seem to be close to climax. What are you thinking about?

The exact odds of the Cubs ever winning the World Series again or anything else to slow me down: 14%

What else I can do for her: 62%

Ow, cramp!: 10%

That I can't wait. She'll get hers next time: 14%
2012 Guy Survey

Have you ever bought package-enhancing underwear or stuffed something down there to fake out a girl?

Yes: 8%

No: 92%
2012 Guy Survey

When you look at a woman in a strip club, you wish:

That she would dance for you: 25%

That she would have sex with you: 45%

That she could find another job: 30%
2012 Guy Survey

If you're hesitant to commit, what's holding you back?

I want to be making more money before I settle down: 46%

I want freedom to hang with my friends: 21%

I want to sow more oats. A lot more oats: 12%

Honestly, I'm holding out for someone better: 21%
2012 Guy Survey

If you could borrow a woman's body for a day, you would most want to:

Play with your boobs all day long: 15%

Find out what a female orgasm feels like: 48%

Eat and drink for free at ladies' nights: 12%

Hang out in a women's bathroom and get every secret possible: 7%

Hang out in a women's locker room and just watch—duh!: 18%
2012 Guy Survey

Imagine you can do it in only one position for the rest of your life. Which do you pick?

Doggy-style: 31%

Missionary: 19%

Standing up: 2%

Her on top: 39%

Other: 9%
2012 Guy Survey

If you could get a beer with just one of these people, who would it be?

President Obama: 22%

Mark Sanchez: 5%

Jay-Z: 8%

Jon Stewart: 15%

Mark Zuckerberg: 5%

Megan Fox: 45%
Photo: Getty Images
2012 Guy Survey

You're out at a bar, and a woman walks up to you. The best thing she can say is:

"Hi, I'm _________ .": 64%

"I'm dying to get out of here.": 13%

"Can I buy you a drink?": 23%
2012 Guy Survey

Her Facebook profile says she has a tattoo. Where do you most hope it is?

Her hip/bikini area: 32%

Her lower back: 24%

Her foot or ankle: 14%

Her wrist: 4%

Her arm: 5%

Nowhere, she lost me at tattoo: 20%
2012 Guy Survey

Guys, tell us: Which is better?

Kim Kardashian's butt: 63%

Pippa Middleton's butt: 37%

A baseball cap: 84%

A fascinator: 16%

Your button-down on her: 56%

Your sports shirt on her: 44%
2012 Guy Survey

What do you think about most in a single day?

Sex: 38%

Food: 5%

My sports team: 4%

My appearance: 8%

Work: 14%

Money: 31%
2012 Guy Survey

OK, so it's sex. (Shocked.) Could you be more specific, please?

Sex with someone I just saw on the sidewalk/at work/in a magazine: 32%

A sex move I want a woman (any woman) to do to me: 14%

A sex memory from my past: 15%

Sex with my girlfriend/wife tonight: 39%
2012 Guy Survey

Glamour's man survey goes way back.

We published our first one in 1995. Have men changed since then? Hell, yes! And also...not really. Take a look.
2012 Guy Survey

Guys are kinda over the fake-boob thing...

If it were painless, safe and free, would you encourage your girlfriend/wife to get breast implants?

1995: 55% said yes.

2012: 29% said yes.
2012 Guy Survey

...They're far more likely to elect a woman...

Would you consider voting for a female president?

1995: 29% said yes.

2012: 74% said yes.
2012 Guy Survey

...Yet they're more traditional.

Would you insist that your wife take your last name?

1995: 24% said yes.

2012: 42% said yes.
2012 Guy Survey

And some things never change!

Which would you rather be: 5'2" tall with a seven-inch penis or 6'2" with a three-inch penis?

1995: 62% said 5'2" with a seven-inch penis.

2012: 67% said 5'2" with a seven-inch penis.
2012 Guy Survey

And some things never change!

Would you rather marry a woman 20 years older than you or a woman 20 pounds heavier than you?

1995: 53% said 20 years older.

2012: 51% said 20 years older.
2012 Guy Survey

And some things never change!

Which scares you more: the threat of going bald or the threat of tsunamis, tornadoes and terrorism?

1995: 66% said the threat of tsunamis, tornadoes and terrorism.

2012: 65% said the threat of tsunamis, tornadoes and terrorism.
2012 Guy Survey

And some things never change!

Have you ever measured your penis?

1995: 55% said yes.

2012: 63% said yes.
2012 Guy Survey

Be honest: Would you rather...

Lose a limb: 27%

Lose a testicle: 73%
2012 Guy Survey

Be honest: Would you rather...

Have no hair: 74%

Have Trump hair: 26%
2012 Guy Survey

Be honest: Would you rather...

Work with Hillary Clinton for a week: 52%

Work for Michele Bachmann for a week: 48%
Photo: Getty Images
2012 Guy Survey

Be honest: Would you rather...

Have a one-night stand with sexy Rihanna: 39%

Have a three-way with two girls you know: 61%
2012 Guy Survey

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