Wednesday, April 25, 2012


A Biblical message delivered through art…

We’ve all heard the message of good and evil and the story of Adam and Eve. God created Adam and Eve and planted them in The Garden of Eden.  The garden had beautiful trees bearing delicious fruit that provided everything they needed to eat. God told Adam, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."  A serpent entered the garden and told Eve it was okay to eat from the forbidden tree. Eve took the fruit and ate, and she also gave some to Adam.   And we know how the story ends… God punished Adam and Eve, and we live in a word of sin as a result…

This photo graphically depicts the “temptation of eve” in The Garden of Eden. Eve was tempted by a serpent snake (the devil). When we say Eve tempted Adam with an APPLE, many interpret the "Apple" as a metaphor for the "vagina" or sex.  So it is interpreted that the devil exposed Eve to SEX and Eve seduced Adam with sex.  


Anonymous said...

I really don't understand the interpretation of temptation with sex. Didn't God command Adam and Eve to "be fruitful and multiply." How would they have done that without sex? Didn't the Bible say "fruit from the tree in the midst of the garden?" A fruit is a fruit. I don't think God was speaking in parables at the beginning of time. I really didn't understand that interpretation? Please break that down for me.


Sex is one of our greatest temptations, much like the apple and the snake were in the Bible. God intended sex for one purpose and that is to procreate and populate the earth. God also has specific rules concerning sex. It is strictly reserved for a man and a woman who are married to each other. Sex in modern day society has taken on an entirely different purpose from it's original intention. People are having sex before marriage, outside of marriage, with other people's husbands and wives, there's sex between same sex partners. When we refer to the Bible we see that sexual impropriety brought down the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. And we don't have to look that far to see how sex is also destroying today's world. STDs are on the rise, children are being born out of wedlock, families are falling apart.