Saturday, January 12, 2013

Words to LOVE by...

From two people who have unlocked the secret to lasting love...

“I am here to tell you I have been with him for 29 years, so that is my story. I will tell you this much like I tell my kids, treat this as a book …read it, embrace it and enjoy it.  If you like it and you can't put it down …keep it going.  But if that book makes you so mad that you can't stand it …move on.  And take notes, so the next guy you meet you know what you like and you don't.”  ~Mimi A. English

"I believe we should all look for that page turner in our own lives... the book that we can read over and over again. I know I never tire of knowing and learning about my own wife, the most interesting woman I ever met. Men are little boys until we meet a woman.  Blessed is the man who finds a real woman...for she helps him become a real man.”  ~Jerome Olds

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