Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My heart...

My head knows that it’s over
And that the love has truly gone
But I wish someone would tell my heart
That it’s time for us to move on

I wish someone would tell my heart
That it’s time to say goodbye
Because it hopes you’re going to call
And say let’s give it one more try

My heart still sees visions of you
And still yearns to feel your touch
My head understands it’s over
But my heart still misses you so much

My head has blocked all the memories
And removed all your pictures from view
Yet even with all that
My heart still thinks of you

My head understands we’re over
But heart struggles with that thought everyday
Although my head knows it was time for me to go
But my heart wishes you had begged me to stay

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very Good! I am truly understanding and feeling your words