Wednesday, December 1, 2010


It’s impossible to move forward when part of you is still living in the past. I was walking forward while constantly looking back …hoping. So today I closed the door to my past.  To past hurt, past insecurities, past doubts, and past disappoints.  I closed the door to pass relationships.  It’s a bittersweet victory.  I accept now that the dreams I locked behind the doors of my past … are just that - dreams that weren’t based on anything real or solid.  That’s the bitter part of the process. I am now free – that is the sweet part.  I am free to move forward to embrace all the possibilities of life and love and happiness.  Now that I have closed the door to my past, I can be excited about my future.  I wait with anticipation and hope and courage and excitement.  I’m writing this day in my calendar as my day of triumph and rebirth.  My soul is alive and all is well.  Today I was born again and I start living. 


A Beautiful Journey said...

I really like this post Sonya. Moving forward and not looking in the rearview mirror is one of those things that I have to consciously do. I did it this morning as I obsessed about the person riding on my car bumper. Thing is, while I was watching him I was totally missing the truck that had stalled 500 feet in front of me. I saw it just in time. Sometimes we have to let the past, and what is behind us, take care of itself. There is so much going on in front of us that if we aren't really watching, we can miss vital situations and opportunities.

I'm very excited about what my future holds and I am more than happy to dump the insane loss, pain and failures of the past in the recycle bin. Keep moving forward! BRAVO!!!!


Beautiful Journey... thanks for your post and for the reminder that when we're too busy looking back, we miss what is right in front of us. Thanks!