Sunday, March 27, 2011

I am so very misunderstood!!

A really nice and attractive man befriended me via Facebook.  After a recent FB post I made about a date, he sent the following message to my FB inbox.
I have always entertained thoughts of you but those are another story ;-). Honestly... just thoughts. The idea of dating you was just a great daydream. I am a very no fuss, simple guy - reading, hiking, biking, blockbuster nights, meat and potatoes. I don’t even watch sports. I didn’t know if we would be compatible. I do want to get to know you. I think we would be great friends. But the moment want to start slumming ...I am in. Maybe .... TMI ...but I dated a "glamorous" woman recently who said even if you have always worn silk, you still like the feel of jeans. We had a great romance, but couldn’t pull it off long term. Just different.
This email shows me that I am very misunderstood. I like simple things, simple places and simple people.  People often get the wrong impression of me.  Men think I’m high maintenance and demanding.  Women think I’m a “B”. Then when they get to know me they realize their first impressions were 100% wrong. Men seem to think it takes a lot to please me (NOT TRUE), that I only eat at 5-star restaurants (NOT TRUE) and that hang with fancy people who do fancy things (NOT TRUE).
I like what I like, now that is true.  But what most attracts me is a humble man with simple tastes.

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