Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It's National Unmarried & Single Americans Week! Who knew???

Singles Share Thoughts, Tips on Single Life By

By Kimathi Lewis - Courtesy of

Whether spending the night on the town or staying at home on the couch, there are many ways to enjoy being single. Still, many singles said they are happier being in a good relationship. online dating service surveyed more than 4,500 of its members in the U.S. in time for National Unmarried & Single Americans Week.
Does having a relationship impact productivity at work?
  • 64%: The percentage of single men who said they are more productive in the workplace when they are dating someone. In comparison, 53% of single women said their productivity actually goes down or is unchanged when they are in a relationship.
Who is your role model for living a "fabulous unmarried life?”
  • 65%: The percentage of single men who said George Clooney has the ideal unmarried life, while 22% picked Justin Timberlake and 13% picked Jake Gyllenhaal. In comparison, 62% of single women said Cameron Diaz is living the ultimate unmarried life, while 21% picked music star Rihanna and 17% picked royal sibling Pippa Middleton.
Are singles treated differently in society than their married counterparts?
 An overwhelming majority of singles (77% of women and 74% of men) said singles are not treated the same as married people in our society.
How does being in a relationship impact your emotions?
  • 85%: The percentage of men who feel happier when they are in a relationship. On the other hand, 73% of women said they feel happier when they are in a relationship.
Which is better, a relationship or a pet?
  • 90%: The percentage of men who would rather have a long-term girlfriend while 85% of women said they would rather have a long-term boyfriend than a pet.
What is the main reason for being single?
65% of men say they single because they are "too picky" or feel that "all the good ones are taken." 59% of women feel the same way.
  • 17% of men and 15% of women say they are simply "too busy" with other things in their lives right now to settle down.
  • 11% of men and 16% of women say they are single because they are "terrified of getting close to someone."
  • 7% of men and 10% of women say they are "too independent to be tied down."

From hitting the gym and going dancing to traveling and indulging in a tasty treat, here are some suggestions to celebrate National Singles Week (Sept. 18-24).
  • Travel: Whether it is heading across the state or across the country, use this week to venture somewhere you've never been before. Seize this opportunity to relax, find yourself and experience something completely new and different. Or, grab a friend, and head out of town for the weekend! Need a relaxing poolside weekend? Palm Springs is your spa destination, and still feels like summer with almost 100 degree temperatures. But whether alone, or with someone, be spontaneous.
  • Go out dancing: Dancing releases endorphins and releases stress in a fun and carefree way. If you don’t feel like going alone, ask a friend, better yet, that man or woman you’ve been too shy to approach.
  • Indulge: Simply put, do what you want. Buy what you want. Eat what you want. It never hurts to indulge every now and then, whether it’s a tasty, rich treat or a new pair of shoes. 
  • Hit the gym: Feeling down about being single? Work out! Not only does exercise release endorphins, but a daily gym routine helps keep you in shape and can help boost your self-esteem.
  • Spend some quality time with yourself: Too many Americans tend to associate  being alone” with “lonely.”  Instead of calling a friend to go shopping, golfing or to watch a movie, which can be fun at times, spend some time alone. Take a long drive, relax at a coffee shop,  turn on some music or read  a book. Enjoy being single.
  • A technology-free singles night: Draft all your single friends for a long, laughter-filled dinner at an out-of-the-way locale you might not normally choose. Try some type of food you’ve never had before, share some wine, and enjoy each other’s company. And most of all: tell everyone to turn their phones off and put them away at the table. Shutting off from work and the stresses of life for a few hours with friends can relax and calm you. After all, experiences are more valuable than possessions, and a night out with friends (and without your Blackberry) is an experience more fulfilling than most.
  • Go on a date: Remember — just because you’re single doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the fun and excitement of dating. In fact, dating can be much more fun when you drop the expectations and enjoy it for what it essentially is: meeting new people, trying new things, and experiencing the nervous adventure of connecting with another single, whether they’re Mrs. Right or Mr. Right Now.
Sources: and

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